Mein Bild
My name is Franzi. I´m 19 years old and from Germany. I will spend one years an an au pair in America. I´m in love with my life. Even though not everything is going well, I only have that one life. So I´m going to make the best out of it. I have found out that you have to make decisions and you have to live with its consequences. That can be hard, but everything is possible. So what´s meant to be will always find back together. I believe in love, and in hte fact that there is that one special person somewhere out there only made for me. And with this person an endlessly lovestory can be written. I have already found that person. And hope that my year in America won´t seperate us, but connect us even more.

Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

als waer es gestern erst gewesen, als ich dich zum lezten mal sah. als du mich zum lezten mal mit den augen sahst, mit denen ich für immer angeschaut werden wollte.

The only reaosn people hold on to memories so tightly is because memories are the only things that don´t change when everyone else does. But the time will come when you are going to forget. Maybe not now, but someday.

 zeit heilt keine wunden. man lernt nur mit dem schmerz zu leben.

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